Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Abaya Alert!!!

Check out what these two lovely Sudanese Princesses are wearing above! Is it a skirt? Is it an Abaya? Is it a maxi-dress?  Well, I couldn’t tell-the only thing that I DID know was that I absolutely LOVED them and I needed to find out where I could get my hands on one of them!  So I messaged my friend and she gave me the scoop on these lovely garments.  So the first question I asked her was-What is it? And she told me that it is a Khalijee abaya from KSA.  Ahhhhhh, the Khalijee style-I would have NEVER guessed! Now don't get me wrong, I personally adore the shape of a Khalijee abaya – most abayaat that are marketed to the West are straight up and downish or aligned.   However,  Khalijee abayaat are elegant, and extremely feminine; yet they still manage to be modest and loose. They truly resemble dresses and gowns more than the typical abaya. And that is exactly what my problem is with them LOL!  I don’t know about you but I don’t go to many “events” and my version of “dress-up” is to style up a casual look.   So, while I do admire the Khalijee style from afar I could never justify spending so much on a garment that I would only wear once.  I don’t think I have EVER seen a Khalijee abaya that wasn’t dripping with crystals chiffon, pleats and folds. So, when I scooped these lovely Khalijee garments -sans the bling age.  I had to get more info.   The garment has two ropes on the INSIDE that you may pull from any side to modify the fit of the garment.  What I love best is that you can add a leather or jean jacket to give it a more casual look or add elegant accessories to give it more glamor.   I have to admit I am UBER excited about this.  So if anyone has seen a garment like this while perusing on-line  puuuuuuuleeeeeze comment below:-)
This is the garment with a more fitted look.
This is the garment with a looser fit.

1 comment:

  1. I would so totally wear that, and I'm a Christian (Catholic, got here via an Orthodox Chirstian facebook page, and loving your style :) )
